Posts: Life

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Typewriter print of 1 Corinthians 13:4-6

Christ Never Called Us Lions

Tags: Life, Theology, Christianity, Ministry

My goodness. 2020 was A YEAR. 2021 has shaped up to be a match, just half way in.

There's a lot to unpack in the questions I've had over the past year. The pandemic has claimed so many lives; either directly by illness, by horrid injustices especially for our BIPOC brothers and sisters, or indirec...

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Picture of a city scape with people walking

Bless the City

Tags: Life, Theology, Christianity, Ministry

Often times, I hear Christians worry or complain that we live in a post-Christian world. What people usually mean by this, is that for a time, the world (and in most cases, the "world" they refer to is the United States) was largely full of people who would call themselves Christians, but now that t...

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Picture of an eye


Tags: Life, Surgery

So I had Lasik yesterday.

And I can say, it was fantastic! The day after I've got 20/15 vision. Almost all of the discomfort is gone and I can see better than I did before with my contacts.

I think that everyone should do research before getting surgury, especially elective surgery, but in th...

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